I'm a software engineer based in Portland, OR, and have multiple years of experience with JavaScript (ES6), TypeScript, Node.js, Go, Ruby, React, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, as well as cloud platforms like AWS, Digital Ocean and Heroku.
Most recently I built Herald, an open source application that simplifies deployment of a full observability pipeline, condensing a complex multi-application deployment (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Fleet Server) into just a few simple steps. You can read the comprehensive case study for Herald, where I discuss the architecture, design decisions and implementation challenges of building Herald here.
From Real Estate Broker to Software Engineer
Before becoming a software engineer I was a licensed real estate broker for just over a decade, and for more than half of that I operated my own real estate brokerage. Running my own operation where I had full control and responsibility for, quite literally, everything (branding, marketing, systems and processes, lead generation, revenue, P&L, etc.) was an incredible experience.
Before venturing out on my own I was a Team Lead at the real estate technology start-up, Redfin. During that time I established its first listings team for the Portland area, trained and supervised a stellar team of lead agents, associate agents and transaction coordinators, grew the team's market share and advised on new consumer and agent technologies with a cross-functional team from around the country.
For a full history of my education and professional work experience, please feel free to review my resume.
About This Website
To write, I use the fast, light weight and simple to learn markup language, Markdown. I write with the beautiful, distraction-free editor iA Writer, which has apps for both iOS and macOS.
When it's all said and done, I publish to the web using the open source platform Ghost as a headless CMS, with a custom designed frontend using Gatsby. The Ghost backend is hosted on a Digital Ocean droplet, while the Gatsby frontend is deployed to Vercel.
If you've made it this far, I appreciate your time in getting to know more about me. If you'd like to connect or if there's something you think I might be able to help you with, feel free to drop me a note here.